
Showing posts from July, 2016

List of Adjectives-Opposites

 What are  the meaning of opposites?  Copyright: An antonym is a word which means the opposite of another word. Antonyms are also called opposites. Note: this is a list for beginner and it is not completed. There are many adjectives and opposites can be added . Adjectives (Group 1): Opposite Adjectives (Group 2): Alive Dead Angry calm Bad good Beautiful ugly Big small Biter sweet Cheap Expensive Clean dirty Clever stupid Common uncommon Complete incomplete Dangerous safe Early late Easy difficult Excellent terrible Exciting boring Famous obscure Fast Slow Fat Thin Fortunate Unfortunate Funny Unfunny Happy Sad Hardworking Lazy ...

Uses of capital letters

Uses of capital Letters (Capitalization) To remember the 5 vowels – a e i o u -  There are many English writers still have a problem how to use the capital letters: We use the capital letters for: 1-Name of people: M ary, J ohn, S arah…… 2-Name of places: B aker S treet, M other H ospital…. 3-Countries and nationalities: J apan, J apanese, 4-At the beginning of a sentence: 5-Days of the week: M onday, T uesday, W ednesday, T hursday, F riday, S aturday and S unday. 6- Months of the years:   J anuary, F ebruary, M arch, A pril, M ay , J une, J uly, A ugust, S eptember, O ctober,   N ovember, and D ecember. 7-Titles of books, magazines, film, series…. 8-Languages: A rabic, F rench…. 9-Titles in reading text: 10-Public holidays and feasts:   N ew Year's Day , May Day Bank Holiday 11-The personal pronoun “ I ”: Remember, “ I ” is always a capital letter no matter where it comes in a sentence. 12-Planets...

How to express opinion and beliefs in English?

Expressing of opinions and beliefs Here are some useful expressions of opinions and beliefs: Questions Answers What do you think….? I think that…….. In your opinion, what/who/where/why…? In my opinion…… As far as you are concerned, what/who….? As far as I’m concerned…. What/who do you believe….? I believe that…. What are your views about…..? It seems to me that…. Don’t you think that……? I would say that…. More answers: -I feel strongly that….. -As I see it……. -To my mind….. -For me….. -In my experience….. Example:

The theme of memory in the novel “Glass of Menagerie” by “Tennessee Williams”

The theme of memory in the novel “ Glass of Menagerie ” by “ Tennessee Williams ”. The theme of memory in the novel “ Glass of Menagerie ” by “ Tennessee Williams ”       Tennessee William’s play; the Glass Menagerie, deals with a family wait for a gentleman called for their daughter. While they are waiting for the gentlemen caller, they are talking about their memories. Although there are many themes in this play, one theme that dominates in the play is the theme of memories. Each character in this play talks about his memory. In this paper, I will trace three scenes that highlight the theme of memories.      To start with, the Glass Menagerie is a memory play, and Tom makes it clear from the beginning that we are seeing that Tom narrates his memories about the time of the outbreak of the world war 2 “to begin with, I turn back time I reverse it to that quaint period, the thirties, when the huge middle class of America…”. “...


In many languages, the fundamental unit of composition is the paragraph.  A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together.  This group of sentences together discuss  one  main subject.   In U.S. formal academic English, paragraphs have three principal parts.  These three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence.  We will also talk briefly about details in paragraphs.   A Perfect husband A morality is one of the most characteristic that the perfect husband should have.  The character is more important than looks. The husband should deal with his wife very well. He should avoid deal with his wife as a slave who buys with his money; Moreover, he should deal with his wife as she is his daughter, sister or his friend. The prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) dealt whit his wives well and recommended to men to deal with their wives well.  If the husband respects his wife, she will als...

Grammarly best weapon to kill grammar mistakes

Grammarly best weapon to kill grammar mistakes Today, I’m presenting to you this great website grammarly . Firstly, all of us make mistakes. Grammarly is one of the leading brand deals in online English training classes. They help you to improve your English writing skills, Grammarly automatically detects your typos while writing and provide you better solutions. Grammarly doesn't work like dictionary; it is providing real-time tracking of your writing typos. Grammarly is the world's leading automated proofreader. It checks for more than. 250 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations Grammarly: Fixing Advanced Grammar Issues  I’m Student , Marketer, professional or teacher who is a native speaker or English is a second language , my are writing a post your way of narrating or expressing will be different from others; make mistakes here and there, but when I proofread the post before publishing, I no...