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Uses of capital letters

Uses of capital letters

Uses of capital Letters (Capitalization)

Uses of capital letters, English Alphabets

To remember the 5 vowels – a e i o u - 

There are many English writers still have a problem how to use the capital letters:

We use the capital letters for:

1-Name of people: Mary, John, Sarah……

2-Name of places: Baker Street, Mother Hospital….

3-Countries and nationalities: Japan, Japanese,

4-At the beginning of a sentence:

5-Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

6- Months of the years:  January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,  November, and December.

7-Titles of books, magazines, film, series….

8-Languages: Arabic, French….

9-Titles in reading text:

10-Public holidays and feasts:  New Year's Day, May Day Bank Holiday

11-The personal pronoun “I”: Remember, Iis always a capital letter no matter where it comes in a sentence.

12-Planets and stares: Earth, March, Pluto,  ...

13-For title person: Mrs. Mr., Dr….