
Learn Perfect English Grammar

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In many languages, the fundamental unit of composition is the paragraph.  A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together.  This group of sentences together discuss one main subject.   In U.S. formal academic English, paragraphs have three principal parts.  These three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence.  We will also talk briefly about details in paragraphs. 


A Perfect husband

A morality is one of the most characteristic that the perfect husband should have.  The character is more important than looks. The husband should deal with his wife very well. He should avoid deal with his wife as a slave who buys with his money; Moreover, he should deal with his wife as she is his daughter, sister or his friend. The prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) dealt whit his wives well and recommended to men to deal with their wives well.  If the husband respects his wife, she will also respect her more and more which help to establish a family that adheres to the principal and morals of Islam. In conclusion, a perfect husband is the one who knows how to deal with wife as the prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) did.
*(written by student: E.H)

Air pollution

Air pollution is one of the type pollution which negatively affects the environnement. It defines as the contamination of the atmosphere that distripate the composition of the air.
It’s in a form of dust or gasses like carbon dioxide; furthermore, it came from a variety of sources such as manufacturing exhaust, natural sources like forest fires, volcanic eruptions etc… and building construction. As a result of this, it increases rain acidity, the rare of asthma, crop depletion from inadequate oxygen and global warning. In conclusion, there are a lot of types of the pollution which negatively affect the environnement and result from many things and the air pollution consider one of these types.

A perfect job

Nowadays, young are looking for a perfect job. So that Location and salary are the most important characteristic of a perfect job. The location is more important for the employ; near location would be a perfect place for the employ because it isn’t take time to reach the office. The salary is also important to the employee in order to earn his own living and to cover all house hold expense. To sum up, there are many characteristics of a perfect job, but location and salary are the most essential.

Strong communication skills

One important quality for a doctor is a good communicator. An effective communication skill is a key of any doctor to be a successful one. Communication skills are including both active listening skills to the patient and the ability to convey information clearly and simply to be understood. So that, the patient will be able to understand his doctor and reveal the additional health issue that he has. Moreover, the doctor will be able to give the patient effective treatment to his conditional health.  To conclude, the characteristic of the doctor consider an important thing in the success of the treatment particularly the strong communication skills.

A perfect friend

A morality is one of the most important characteristic that a friend should have. Not anyone can be you friend, a friend to all is a friend to none. So you must choose your friend carefully as the friend is a mirror of his friend. For that, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) recommended as to choose our friend carefully. A perfect friend is one who lends his friend hand in happiness and sadness times encourage him to be better than before and if he sees his friend  committing prohibited or doing bad behaviors or things, he direct him to the right way. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Good friend should adhere to the principal moralities of Islam. To summarize, the perfect friend is one who love his friend much himself.
(written by student: E.H)

Social media

Nowadays, Social media is a great communication tool which has affects positively the way of communication among people. Ago, people were communicate with each other through letters hand which took a while to reach the address and also a lot of time to reply the sender. Today, people can communicate with each other easily through an instantly message on Facebook or Twitter etc. However, social media has negatively affects as the families haven’t usually met as before and they only communicate through social media. To sum up, social media is a technology which affects all aspect of our live particularly the way of communication.

Adopting the new tradition of place

One of the problems that face foreign student is how to adopt the new tradition and costumes of the local. Every place has own costumes and traditions. Foreign student do not know a lot about those traditions. He looks like a stranger and faces a lot of problems to know those traditions. It takes a while for foreign student to adopt with new traditions and new local people. In conclusion, a foreign student should learn how to cope with the tradition and costumes of the place that he is at in.