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Used to+ Infinitive uses

Used to+ Infinitive uses

How to used : Used to

Used to+ Infinitive uses
How to use "Used to"

“Used to + infinitive”

We use used to:  to talk about past habits and repeated actions. we also can use : used to with state verbs( be, like...)


we can't use used to for an action that only happened once.Ex:
KFC opened in  1952. not KFC used to open in  1952. We also use it to talk about states in the past which are no longer true.

I used to live here. (But now I live in Russia)
She used to smoke. (She don't smoke now)


Used to
Used to
Live here.
Used to

With the negative and the question it's 'use' and not 'used:
• The negative is didn't use to + infinitive:
She didn't use to smoke.
• The question form is did + subject + use to + infinitive:
Did you use to be a Policeman?
• The question and negative forms are not used very often.
With used to we don’t use the verb to “be” we can’t say I’m used to play football.

Active/ Passive

Adam used to pay the bills. Active
The bills used to be paid by Adam. Passive