
Learn Perfect English Grammar

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5 Reasons for Learning English

5 Reasons for Learning English

learn perfect english grammar blog
5 Reasons for Learning English
Learning a new Language is fun and useful. A person who speaks one language is illiteracy.
That’s why you should learn a new language, another language not only your mother language or dialect.

Have you ever asked yourself “why do I want to learn English?

English is a very popular language. Many countries their language 1st or 2ed    is English.
Let’s I present to you some reason for learning English:

1-To chat with other friend:

English is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people with different languages come together they commonly use English to communicate.
For example: American English speaker go to Japan. He does not speak Japanese; he would probably find who speak English.
Do You Want To Meet New Friends From Around The World?
The same thing in social media, to chat with friend you use English, most of people in social media around the world speak English.

2-To find job abroad:

English will open up more opportunities for you .Nowadays English is dominating. If you want to apply for a better job, among many other skills, you do need a good English level to get well-paid job.

3- English gives you wider access to knowledge:

Another reason why English is so important is that it is the language of science. To excel in science You need to know English. Did you know that 55% of the world’s webpages are written in English?
So to access to more information you should learn English.

4- To travel to other countries:

you won’t have to worry about getting lost when you travel to an English-speaking country, as you’ll easily be able to ask for directions, and taking guided tours, ordering food and chatting to the locals will no longer be a source of stress.

5-to read English books:

If you learn English, you’ll be able to enjoy with famous works by great writers.

As Shakespeare, Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and her sister’s Jane Eyre, George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice .