How to Organize Your Studying Schedule?
Preparing a Timetable: How to Organize Your Studying Schedule? 1. Draw up a study timetable (see samples below) and block in all activities, work, lectures, and any household or other responsibilities you may have. Include meal times and travel time. Be realistic. This should be an actual timetable, which is possible, not some ideal that can never be achieved. Make enough copies to cover all the weeks leading up to exams or assessment. 2. Work out your most effective study times. When do you study best? Morning, afternoon or evening? 3. Consider: Which subjects need the most study and revision? Estimate how many hours you think you need for each subject and try to match this with the hours available in your weekly planner. 4. Block in some study times, preferably 2-4 hours at a time, with 5-10 minutes’ break every 40-50 minutes. 5. Start at exam periods or due dates for assignments and work backwards, blocking in more study time in the relevant subject clo...