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The first conditional sentences

The first conditional sentences

The first conditional sentences

Type 1 conditional sentences are used to talk about real and possible situations. Here we use a simple present tense in the if-clause and will /can / may + infinitive in the result clause.Study the sentences given below.
  • If I am hungry, I will get something to eat.
  • If you are hungry, you can eat an apple.
  • If it rains ,we may get wet.
The if clause talks about things that are possible; but not certain: if I’m late again, I’ll lose my job.
(Maybe I’ll be late again).
The main clause says what we think the result will be in this situation.
(I’m sure I’ll lose my job).


The if clause can be first or second in the sentence. When we start with the if clause we use a comma (,) after this clause. When we start with the main clause we don't use a comma: You'll be OK if you get a taxi.
*we don't usually use will/ won't in the if clause : if I’ll be late again , I’ll lose my job.


·We can also use shall instead of will with I and we in the main clause.
·In this structure, we can use a modal verb eg. Can, may, instead of will in the main clause.
·We can also use the imperative in the main clause.
·We can use the present perfect or present continuous instead of the present simple in the
if- clause.
·We can also use should after if when we are less sure about a possibility
· We can also begin with should when we are less sure.
The first conditional sentences learnperfectenglishgrammar

Ex: If I have enough time, we’ll visit Robert.
-If you are hungry, I’ll make you something to eat.
-If I fail the exam, I shall take it again.
-If we have enough time, we can visit Robert.
-If you see María, give her a message for me.
-If you have finished the letter, I’ll post it for you.
-I’ll come back later if you are working now.
-If I should see María, I’ll give her your message.
-Should I see María, I’ll give her your message.