Basic Sentence Elements
Basic Sentence Elements The ability to identify the sentence elements and the understanding of their arrangement and their relationship are the first to learning writing skills. Note: The six basic requirements of a written sentence are: -A capital letter at the beginning. -Punctuation at the end (a full stop, a question mark, or an exclamatory point). -A subject. -A predicate containing a complete verb phrase. -Standard word order (commonly, S+V (complement). -An independent clause; that is a complete idea that can stand alone with its own subject and verb. 1. Identifying the subject: The subject is the person or things talked about. It may be expressed by a noun, a pronoun, or a group of words doing the work of noun. The sun shines (subject -noun) They are playing (subject-pronoun) The new settled and their two children visited the region (subject-a group words). The subject is usually placed before the ve...